Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Lies I've Told My Children

I was going to outline some lies my mother told me, but instead I'm taking total responsibility for the lies that I, myself have told my children. They're not quite lies. Rather, they're little fables I've made up to entertain my children. Here are some of the more ludicrous ones.

- "The man in the moon's name is Mac. The moon in made of cheese. Mac eats cheese all the time, that's why there are so many holes. The space shuttle brings a change of clothes once a year for Mac."

- "The tooth fairy lives in a house made of teeth." (In answer to "Mom, what does the tooth fairy do with all the teeth?" BTW our tooth fairy was a little mouse called "Ratoncito Perez".)

- "If you dont sleep early, the goblins will come and eat your toes." (Mine still have all 10.)

- "When I was 17, the birthday fairy visited me to ask me what age I wanted to be forever. I said 32. " (So when I was 40, I was still 32. When my kids were older, they finally read my driver's license and I was busted. But, please dont ask me how old I am. I have the ready answer. I'm 32. )

- "If a cop catches Mom while driving, put your hands together and pray and they wont give me a ticket." (They actually did it when I was stopped by a policewoman, who asked what my kids were doing in the back seat. I said "praying you won't give me a ticket". She didn't.)

I say everyone should make up fantastical stories to tell their kids. Who knows...the next Harry Potter story may emerge.


DaShmare said...

Sadly....I remember MANY of these lies the first time they were told. Others I was blindsided but quickly learned to just believe that what the kids told me was the "Truth according to the Queen."